Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm Going To Hollywood!

Hi everybody!

Guess who's going to live in the big city on the Western Coast of these United States with all the gays and straights and russians?


I'm moving to LA this summer because I got a fancy internship (UNPAID THANK YOU VERY MUCH!) at a TV show. Now we all know how I always tell enormous lies about these types of bullshits, but this time the bullshits ON YOU! CAUSE I'M SERIOUSLY SERIOUS!

So why am I telling you this? Because I need your support. Financially, not emotionally. I'm starting a fund raiser today!!!

I'm coming out of retirement and giving haircuts for FREE! All you have to do is donate the suggested 10 dollar mandatory fee before you get the haircut!

It's that simple!

You don't have to donate, but if you don't I'll basically just make your hair look like Tony Shalhoub's hair in Men in Black. GOOGLE THAT REFERENCE! BOOYAH!

So, please help me raise money because rent is like 4800 dollars a week. And if you help, I'll mention your name in my Emmy acceptance speech when I'm famous.

michael's hams

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